False Apostles In Bible

Bible verses including the word or topic of False Apostles.
Biblical Verses related to False Apostles.
2 Corinthians 11:13
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.
Revelation 2:2
‘I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to be false;
2 Corinthians 11:5
For I consider myself not in the least inferior to the most eminent apostles.
2 Corinthians 12:11
I have become foolish; you yourselves compelled me Actually I should have been commended by you, for in no respect was I inferior to the most eminent apostles, even though I am a nobody.
Matthew 7:15-16
“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves.